For this walkthrough, the following prerequisites must be met: Figure 1 describes how the anfw-automate solution uses the distributed firewall rule configurations to simplify rule management for multiple teams. The rules are validated, transformed, and stored in the central AWS Network Firewall …

For this walkthrough, the following prerequisites must be met:

Figure 1 describes how the anfw-automate solution uses the distributed firewall rule configurations to simplify rule management for multiple teams. The rules are validated, transformed, and stored in the central AWS Network Firewall policy. This solution isolates the rule generation to the spoke AWS accounts, but still uses a shared firewall policy and a central ANFW for traffic filtering. This approach grants the AWS spoke account owners the flexibility to manage their own firewall rules while maintaining the accountability for their rules in the firewall policy. The solution enables the central security team to validate and override user defined firewall rules before pushing them to the production firewall policy. The security team operating the central firewall can also define additional rules that are applied to all spoke accounts, thereby enforcing organization-wide security policies. The firewall rules are then compiled and applied to Network Firewall in seconds, providing near real-time response in scenarios involving critical security incidents.

Figure 1: Workflow launched by uploading a configuration file to the configuration (config) bucket

The Network Firewall firewall endpoints and anfw-automate solution are both deployed in the central account. The spoke accounts use the application for rule automation and the Network Firewall for traffic inspection.

As shown in Figure 1, each spoke account contains the following:

In the central account:

The input validations make sure that rules defined by one spoke account don’t impact the rules from other spoke accounts. The validations applied to the firewall rules can be updated and managed as needed based on your requirements. The rules created must follow a strict format, and deviation from the preceding rules will lead to the rejection of the request.

The function makes cross-Region calls to Network Firewall based on the Region provided in the user configuration. There is no need to deploy the RuleExecute and RuleCollect Lambda functions in multiple Regions unless a use case warrants it.

The following section guides you through the deployment of the rules management engine.

In this phase, you deploy the application pipeline in the resource account. The pipeline is responsible for deploying multi-Region cross-account CDK stacks in both the central account and the delegated administrator account.

The application pipeline stack deploys three stacks in all configured Regions: LambdaStack and ServerlessStack in the central account and StacksetStack in the delegated administrator account. It’s recommended to deploy these stacks solely in the primary Region, given that the solution can effectively manage firewall policies across all supported Regions.

Figure 2: CloudFormation stacks deployed by the application pipeline

You can also deploy the spoke account stack manually for testing using the AWS CloudFormation template in templates/spoke-serverless-stack.yaml. This will create and configure the needed spoke account resources.

Figure 3: Example output of application pipeline deployment

After deploying the solution, each spoke account is required to configure stateful rules for every VPC in the configuration file and upload it to the S3 bucket. Each spoke account owner must verify the VPC’s connection to the firewall using the centralized deployment model. The configuration, presented in the YAML configuration language, might encompass multiple rule definitions. Each account must furnish one configuration file per VPC to establish accountability and non-repudiation.

Now that you’ve deployed the solution, follow the next steps to verify that it’s completed as expected, and then test the application.

Figure 4: Example configuration file for eu-west-1 Region

Figure 5: Example of logs generated by the anfw-automate in a spoke account

Figure 6: Rules created in Network Firewall rule group based on the configuration file in Figure 4

To avoid incurring future charges, remove all stacks and instances used in this walkthrough.

This solution simplifies network security by combining distributed ANFW firewall configurations in a centralized policy. Automated rule management can help reduce operational overhead, reduces firewall change request completion times from minutes to seconds, offloads security and operational mechanisms such as input validation, state-management, and request throttling, and enables central security teams to enforce global firewall rules without compromising on the flexibility of user-defined rulesets.

Ajinkya is a Security Consultant at Amazon Professional Services, specializing in security consulting for AWS customers within the automotive industry since 2019. He has presented at AWS re:Inforce and contributed articles to the AWS Security blog and AWS Prescriptive Guidance. Beyond his professional commitments, he indulges in travel and photography.

Stephan is a Security Consultant working for automotive customers at AWS Professional Services. He is a technology enthusiast and passionate about helping customers gain a high security bar in their cloud infrastructure. When Stephan isn’t working, he’s playing volleyball or traveling with his family around the world.


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